Romans 12:1 – Verse fo the Day 5/10/13
This verse is the hinge of Paul’s letter to the Romans. In the first portion of the book he explains that Jews and Gentiles alike are dead in sin and saved by grace through faith alone. Here he makes a transition to deal with some practical pastoral issues. However, as he gives these instructions he does not teach that believers are able to fulfill God’s commands in their own strength, but rather from a position of gratitude “in view of God’s mercies.”
God has not saved us in order that we can continue living as we did prior to receiving his grace. Rather, he invites us to consider His mercy, and the amazing truth that we have been saved from our sin. As you thank God for his forgiveness, consider how you might respond to God’s mercy and what it might mean in practical terms for you to make your body a living sacrifice to God.
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