Romans 12:10 – Verse of the Day 6/2/14
Have you ever taken part in a conversation with friends about who is the best at something? Who is the best athlete, who is the best student, who is the most successful, who has the coolest stuff? While we usually know better than to talk about such things out loud, sometimes we do think things like this.
The great irony of the Christian faith is that the last will be first and the first will be last. Instead of trying to prove that we are better than the rest, Jesus calls us to build others up. This verse teaches us that we are called not only to love one another, but to outdo one another in showing honor to one another! That’s a different kind of competitive spirit!
How would it change our relationships with others if we really lived like this? Spend some time in prayer considering the sacrifice of Christ on your behalf, and consider how your thankfulness for Christ’s sacrifice might lead to live sacrificially for others. Pray for opportunities to show honor to those around you.