Romans 14:17 – Verse of the Day 5/26/13
This verse is situated in the midst of Paul’s discussion of Christian liberty, an issue that arose because there was a controversy in the Roman church about whether or not it was acceptable to eat meat sacrificed to idols. Paul generally argues that Christians are free in Christ, and yet we must still be circumspect in exercising this freedom for a variety of reasons. While the Kingdom of God is not fundamentally about food and drink but rather the advent of grace, as Christians we must be careful not to bring unnecessary controversy or harm to our reputation.
The Bible teaches us simultaneously that we are free in Christ and yet that we are called to use this freedom to serve God. Paul calls to us to rejoice that we are no longer slaves to sin, and that we are slaves to Christ (Romans 6:22). Spend some time thanking God for setting you free and giving your life a higher and more fulfilling purpose.
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