Romans 15:32 – Verse of the Day 7/31/13
Paul ends the book of Romans with a series of personal comments that communicate his heart of love for God’s people. Here Paul expresses both his desire for Christian community and vision for its purpose. As Christians carry out their lives as “living sacrifices” (12:1) they are to experience love (13:8-10) and unity (14:1-15:22). It is this love and unity that causes him to seek joy and refreshment in their presence, and these benefits belong to us as well.
Spend some time in prayer thanking God for the fellowship of other Christians. Consider how you might be a source of joy and refreshment to those around you, and ask the Lord to help you to be more sensitive to how you might serve the body of Christ in this way. Praise God that he invites us into fellowship with Himself and His body.
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