Romans 8:18 Verse of the Day 10/28/13
In Romans 8, Paul describes how Christians live through the Holy Spirit. Having defined justification by faith in the early chapters, new life in chapter 6, and the reality of the ongoing struggle with sin in chapter 7, Paul explains how the Holy Spirit comforts and leads the believer through that struggle in chapter 8. For Paul, suffering can be endured because the Holy Spirit reminds us that we are now God’s children (verse 15) and entitled to His protection. Therefore nothing can separate us from the love of God (verses 35-39)
No matter how hard life gets, nothing can separate us from the love of God. For the Christian, even to die is gain (Philippians 1:21)! Although we know this in our minds, it is hard to believe it in our hearts. As you pray, thank God for His promise to never leave us or forsake us, and ask Him for the faith to believe that no suffering, no trials, and no difficulties can separate us from His love.
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