Some Thoughts About Exodus and Moving Across the Country

I’ve been reading and thinking a lot about the Exodus lately.  What must the Israelites have been feeling as they left behind the bondage of slavery, which was all they knew for a freedom they knew nothing about? — A freedom which was desperately desired, divinely promised, diligently prayed for and finally attained.

Celebration, elation, exuberance!!

I just wonder if there were any feelings of ambiguity in the hearts of the Israelites even during this time of deliverance? In the midst of the celebration, could they have been feeling torn, scared, and even a little angry at the change happening all around them?

Last week my family moved across the country from Orange County, CA to Nashville, TN.  I’m not comparing my move to that of the Israelites {not exactly, anyway}. I don’t want my California friends thinking I’m comparing Goshen to the OC, because I’m not.  I’m merely looking at the hugeness of picking up a family from all that they are familiar with {good, bad or indifferent} and following what appears to be a directive from God.

Exodus is a huge, historical account.  It teaches us about liberation, journey and establishing the Covenant. Here’s Chuck Waggin’ singing about it in DVD 2.

Exodus also outlines how the Israelites, even after witnessing MANY miracles at the hand of God, had issues with faith.  They doubted they would be delivered from bondage (14:10-12); Once delivered, they continually complained as they journeyed from the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai (15:22-27; 16:1-3; 17:1-7); Then at Mt. Sinai, against God’s specific commands against idolatry, they forged the golden calf and worshiped it (32:1-8).

The question of course is why would God’s chosen people, who had lived through His deliverance of their nation, have faith issues?  Not being a Bible teacher, my only rational answer is that they, like us, were imperfect and fallen.

Do you ever wonder why God puts up with us when we act the way we do?  We say we trust Him, yet many times find it difficult to follow His will in our daily walk. At least I do.

Exodus teaches us a couple of other things, too.  First, God was always faithful to His people!  He continually showed them {undeserved} mercy.  This book also foreshadows Christ’s own sacrificial act of redemption for His people.  The slaughtered Passover lamb’s blood being used on the door post being the one thing that would spare the household from death.

Reading about God’s plan, while knowing how the story comes to fruition through Jesus, is amazing!

I know that my eight year old has had issues with the move.  His perceived lack of control in “losing” all things he’s familiar with {even though he has ALREADY been blessed with new friends and better surroundings} has caused him to ramp up some rather unflattering behaviors.  But I get it… I’m his mom.  I know him.  It will take time for him to trust his dad and I in this huge, life-changing event that has just occurred.

Yes, I bet there was a bit of ambiguity in the hearts of those newly delivered Israelites. Trust is hard. But God, the loving Father that He is, knew them. He showed them abundant grace, because He loved them.  Thankfully God knows us that well, too!

His plan IS perfect!

Do you have stories about moving, that you’d like to share?  Maybe your kids also had trouble adjusting at first, too?  What did you do to help them?

You can follow Lisa on twitter @lisastrnad and she blogs regularly at talkinglikeagirl.

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