Chapter 1 of Joshua deals with the divine commission for the people of Israel to inhabit the Promised Land. The first half of this commission consists of God’s calling of Joshua to lead the people of Israel on that …
One of the most distinguishing characteristics of the Genesis creation narrative relates to the way God simply spoke the world into existence. On each day we see the formula: “And God said… Let there be… and it was so.” …
This proverb concludes a series of similar ones dealing with wise speech. This material begins with an introductory statement that sets the stage: “Wisdom reposes in the heart of the discerning and even among fools she lets herself be …
In this section of Colossians 2 Paul wanted his readers to see that Jesus set them free from both pagan idolatry and an improper view of the ceremonial precepts of the Old Testament. Paul not only explains that it …
The terminology of this verse is rich in biblical background and significance. First, the threefold blessing of this verse structures the entire doxology which follows in Ephesians 1:3-14: We bless the Father (1:3-6), the Father has blessed us in …
This verse lies at the heart of Jesus’ confrontation with the Sadducees (22:23-33) and the Pharisees (22:15-22; 22:34-46). In this verse Jesus responds to the Pharisees’ question: “Which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus’ reply is simple: …