Which do you think is a more serious problem, sin or sickness? Our natural tendency is to think that sickness is much worse, because it is easier for us to “see” it. If you visit a hospital people’s problems are …
Which do you naturally think is worse, a deathly illness or sin? The natural tendency for most people is to think that sickness and death are much worse problems. What about the Bible? This verse is a good example of …
Has there ever been a time where you felt all alone in the midst of trouble? It certainly can feel like there is no one who can help us when we experience pain and suffering. Often it really is true …
Do you trust others easily? It’s easy to trust someone when there is nothing on the line, but it can be harder when the stakes are raised. Especially when we are experiencing pain or suffering, it is hard to trust …
The tricky thing about sin is that it usually does not seem all that bad. In fact, often sin looks attractive or pleasurable. It is only when we think a little more carefully or look a little more closely that …
Play flick football together as a family! Download this PDF then cut out and fold the What’s In The Bible?-themed footballs, then start playing. You could flick the football to the person next to you and ask them about their …