The curious thing about light is that it is not just something you can see, but it is what makes it possible for you to see other things. Light helps you to see the world around you as it really …
When people speak of someone who seems “enlightened,” they usually mean a person who sees the truth. Often this means a person with education, experience, or a naturally quick mind. The Bible does not look down on any of those …
Is a person who chooses to do whatever he or she wants truly free? What if that person chooses to do bad things that only result in bad consequences? While at first we might say that freedom is the ability …
What does it mean to be truly free? People look for freedom in all kinds of things, some of them good and some of them bad. In this verse, Jesus reminds us that the only freedom that lasts for eternity …
If you have ever been in a place so dark that you could not see your hands in front of your face, you know that it can be shocking when someone suddenly turns on the light. Even the smallest bit …
When the people of Israel were hungry and wandering in the desert, God’s miraculous provision of bread every day is one of the most stunning stories in the Bible. Can you imagine how you would respond if God miraculously provided …