The Pixar film, Inside Out, follows the story of 11 year old Riley’s emotions after her family moves across country. Fear, anger, and disgust take over as Riley tries to navigate her new life in San Francisco. We can all relate …
By Sharon Hodde Miller “Are sharks mean guys?” My three year-old son is in the middle of a big superhero phase. Every day this month, I have either played the part of Wonder Woman or “Mommy Incredible Hulk,” while he …
“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has given us new life in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” adapted from Ephesians 2:10 (NLT) I spotted my first patch of daffodils …
With the back-to-school season fast approaching, we wanted to share a few of our favorite past blog posts to help you prepare your kids for their return to school. Check out these resources! Four Ways to Encourage a Good Attitude …
To trust God, we need to get to know him. When we know God, and when we know and understand his character, we can love and trust him. But have you ever thought about getting to know God? Here …