I remember having a lot of questions about faith as a kid. I mean a lot. I didn’t always feel comfortable asking my parents or my pastor about them, so I wrote them down in a journal. There were endless …
The film release of Heaven Is For Real brings the best-selling book about a boy who visited Heaven to life on the big screen—and into the mainstream. Whether of not they see the movie, chances are your kids have some …
When Easter rolls around each year, it can be easy (especially for children) to think about Easter as a fun Sunday morning, with new clothes and maybe an Easter basket filled with favorite candy and a new toy. But Easter …
This year, we’re rounding up some of our favorite bloggers to get their thoughts on faith and family. We asked them: Does your family participate in Lent? If so, what do you do? How do you help your kids understand …
In a few weeks, the entire world will focus on the Sochi Winter Olympics. One of my favorite parts of the Olympic games is the opportunity to hear the stories of dedication, hard work, training, and sacrifice. The winter games …
For many of us, this week has been especially cold! Kids have stayed home from school, and parents have worked from home. For those of us who don’t usually experience temperatures in the single digits, we have had to learn …