The Pixar film, Inside Out, follows the story of 11 year old Riley’s emotions after her family moves across country. Fear, anger, and disgust take over as Riley tries to navigate her new life in San Francisco. We can all relate …
No inter-human relationship is more basic than that between parent and child. God thought the child /parent relationship important enough to make the fifth Commandment all about honoring that relationship, and then promises a blessing to those who follow this …
What a great gardening week we’ve had here at What’s in the Bible? – celebrating the beauty of creation and the joy we can feel as a family spending time outside together. There’s a lot we can learn from gardening …
Teaching the Bible to your kids … where do you even start? This is the journey of one mom who used the What’s in the Bible? video series to jumpstart conversations with her kids about every single book of the …
The What’s in the Bible? team is passionate about kids, families, God, and faith – we spend a lot of time thinking, watching, praying and reading about those topics and how they intersect. As part of our ongoing desire to …
As the parent of a child who is on the Autism Spectrum, I deeply desire for him to have real friendships and the chance to play with other kids who are his own age. But I also know that throwing …