This free family discussion guide is perfect to use after watching Buck Denver Asks … What’s in the Bible? Volume 12: Letters from Paul [Romans through Philemon]. Download and discuss these 4 questions about Paul and his messages for the …
Now that the school year has gotten into the swing of things, the season has come for little league soccer games, football under the friday night lights, and every other sport you can imagine. While these days spent on the …
Introducing the What’s in the Bible? Costume and Candy kit – just in time for Halloween and church Fall Festivals! This free downloadable Halloween costume pack includes printables to help you dress up as your favorite What’s in the Bible? …
This verse comes at the conclusion of Matthew’s meditation on worrying in the sermon in the mount (Matthew 7:25-34). Matthew begins with a simple command: “do not worry” (verse 25). He proceeds to ask, If God cares for the …
The larger context of this verse entails a series of reflections regarding God’s power to restore His people (40:12-44:23). In the verses immediately and preceding and following this verse, Isaiah answers skeptics who doubted that God really possessed power …
In the New Testament, the title “Son of Man” is Jesus’ preferred title of self-reference. It appears 81 times, and 78 of these were Jesus own statements about himself. The background of the title lies in Daniel 7:13-14, where …