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DVD 3: The Pentateuch Song

Time to swing! Buck Denver and Friends sing a Dixieland overview of the Pentateuch! The fantastic What’s in the Bible? characters wrap up the first five books of the Bible in this fun Pentateuch Song! From Buck Denver Asks What’s …

DVD 3: Numbers Overview

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY What’s the 4th book of the Bible? Genesis… Exodus… Leviticus… Numbers! Numbers? Why would they name a book “Numbers?” Well, because it starts out with a big list of numbers. If you remember, Leviticus is a big …

DVD 3: Bentley Brothers sing Deuteronomy

BUCK So, what happens when their big timeout is finished? SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Moses gives a big giant speech. BUCK Oh. How exciting. SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY It’s an important speech. So important that it’s the next whole book of the …

Volume 2: What Is Salvation?

BUCK DENVER New words! We’ve got new words! Sunday School Lady! What’s the word?!? SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY All right Magic Flannelgraph, how about a drum roll? Our first new word is…“Salvation!” I bet you’ve heard this word before. But do you really …

DVD 2: What Is a Patriarch?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Primeval history was the first 11 chapters of Genesis. The rest of Genesis is “Patriarchal History.” Pastor Paul – what is a “patriarch?” IAN I know this one! CLIVE Ian, what are you doing? IAN I know this …