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DVD 1: What is primeval history?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Let’s dive right in. Genesis is a long book with 50 chapters that’s divided into two parts. The first 11 chapters make up part 1 – covering “Primeval History.” Pastor Paul – what does that mean? PASTOR PAUL …

Vol 1: What Is a Testament?

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Now the Old Testament books are divided into four sections… The Torah or Pentateuch – that means “five books” … The Historical Books… The Prophets… and The Writings or wisdom literature. We’ll get into all that later. The …

Bentley Brothers “Genesis”

SUNDAY SCHOOL LADY Yes, the first book of the Bible is Genesis! Let’s hear a song about it! BUCK DENVER  And now the fabulous Bentley Brothers… BENTLEY BROTHERS Genesis begins it all and appropriately it’s at the beginning of the Bible …

Vol 1: Who Do You Trust?

CHUCK WAGGIN (sung) Who do you trust? Who do you listen to? How are you gonna live your life? This is the choice We’ve gotta wrestle through Every girl and boy and man and wife! (spoken) God gave Adam and …

DVD 1: First Five Minutes

PHIL Hello there, I’m Phil Vischer. And I’m here with my friend Buck Denver… BUCK DENVER That’s me! Buck Denver! “Man of news!!” PHIL Um – right. And we’re here to take you deep inside the most amazing book ever written! You know, …

DVD 4: Why did the Israelites kill people?

CLIVE I see you’re reading the Bible again. IAN Yep. CLIVE That usually means you’re developing a big question. IAN Yep. CLIVE Okay – what is it? IAN Lots of people died. CLIVE What’ya mean? IAN In all these battles. The Israelites killed …