How Do You Talk to Kids About the Holy Spirit? In Volume 11 of his series Buck Denver Asks … What’s in the Bible?, VeggieTales® creator Phil Vischer teaches kids and families about the Holy Spirit. Spreading the Good News! (The Book …
The Origins Of Pentecost The historical and Biblical origins of what we know as Pentecost today can be found in Exodus 23:14-19, Leviticus 23:15-16 and Deuteronomy 16:10. One of 3 significant Jewish festivals, Pentecost is the Greek name for the …
How can we encourage our children to share the good news of Jesus’ love and power with the world around them? Back to school is in full swing in our community. We’re officially sending our kiddos out into the …
Did you know the church’s celebration of Jesus’ resurrection doesn’t stop at Easter? Of course, we know we can celebrate and be thankful for Jesus’ resurrection all year long, but throughout church history Christians have observed another important moment after …
I have a friend of 17 years who has a sister who has battled brain cancer for 10. As I write this, she’s been transferred to hospice care. She can no longer see Facebook messages encouraging her and reminding her …
When my daughter began to ask about baptism about a year ago at age 6, I wanted her to make the decision based on knowledge and not just out of curiosity. I wanted her to know what making a step …