Colossians 1:13-14 Verse of the Day 11/26/13
Paul’s language of deliverance in this verse is reminiscent of the Old Testament language used when God delivered his people first from slavery in Egypt and later from exile in Babylon. Those deliverances from earthly kingdoms prefigured our deliverance from the spiritual kingdom of darkness. Although Paul frequently speaks of redemption in the future tense, as something that we await at the second coming of Christ, here he speaks of it in the past tense, as something that we have received through the forgiveness of our sin. We have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness through Jesus sacrifice and now we are members of the Kingdom of God.
As you pray, spend some time thinking about the stark contrast the Bible makes between the kingdom of darkness and the Kingdom of God. Praise God that he loved us so much that he forgives our sin and makes us members of His eternal Kingdom. Ask the Lord to help you to live in a way that reflects this membership.
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