James 1:12 – Verse of the Day 8/9/13
Here James picks up on the theme of perseverance and steadfastness in faith that runs throughout his letter, and is especially prominent in his first chapter. James’ use of the image of a crown is similar to Paul’s in 1 Corinthians 9:25. Those who remain steadfast under trial receive a crown of life just as those who faithfully finish the “race.” The Bible consistently speaks of the reward promised by God for those who persevere.
As you pray, allow this promise of reward to motivate you to obey the Lord. If you are tempted to doubt your ability to persevere, remember that this crown of life is offered according to the promises of God, which “cannot fail” (Romans 9:6-130)! Thank the Lord for his promise that we will persevere in faith, and allow this promise to give you the strength to do so.
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