Jeremiah 30:17 – Verse of the Day 9/10/14
Medical studies have shown that a sick person who gives up hope of recovery is less likely to recover than the person who believes he or she will get better. Hope can be a powerful thing.
When Jeremiah gave this prophecy, the people of Israel had very little reason to hope. Jeremiah had told them already that their sins were great and the consequences dire. The people of Israel would lose their land and be forced into exile. It was not a pretty picture. And yet, Jeremiah still told them to hope, but the basis of their hope was not anything they could do. Instead, the promises of God were the basis of their hope. In spite of their unfaithfulness, God was faithful and would keep His promises. The people of Israel longed for earthly health and prosperity in the land, but God promised something much better. He promised them salvation and eternal health and prosperity. He promised to restore them to the land as well, in order to help them to see that His promises could be trusted.
Whatever wounds your sin has caused you, God promises to forgive them and heal them. Ask the Lord to forgive you and restore you. Ask Him to help you to live for Him. Most of all, ask Him to help you to trust His eternal promises and to believe that he will fulfill them as promised.
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