Luke 6:28 Verse of the Day 11/8/13
This verse is part of Luke’s “Sermon on the Plain,” which contains the essential teachings of the Kingdom of God. In the Kingdom of God the blessed are the poor, the hungry, those who weep, and those who are despised, and the cursed are the rich, the well fed, those who laugh, and those who are treated well. This inversion finds a parallel in this verse, where Christians are called to bless those who curse them, and to pray for those who abuse them.
As you reflect on how difficult it is to put this verse into practice, consider God’s great mercy for you. Although we cursed God and abused him through our rejection and disobedience, he loved us so much that He sent His son to die for us. As you pray, thank God for the love that is ours in the Kingdom of God, and ask God to enable you to show the same love for your enemies that He showed to you.
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