Philippians 2:14 – Verse of the Day 5/9/14
When do you find yourself most likely to grumble or complain? When something seems unfair? When you have to do something you don’t want to do? When you don’t get what you think you deserve?
In the Old Testament, the people of Israel consistently complained against God. They doubted his provision, presence, and providence. In Philippians 2, Paul encourages us to remember that New Testament believers are children of God just like the people of Israel in the Old Testament. However, our “attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus,” (verse 2), and just as Christ went to the cross willingly on our behalf, so should we face life’s trials willingly “for the glory of God the Father” (verse 11). It’s an encouragement with a challenge.
As you pray, consider the ways in which you grumble or complain. Bring these areas of your life before the Lord and ask Him to forgive you for living like an ungrateful and doubting child rather than a grateful and faithful one. Ask Him for the strength to face life’s trials without complaint for the glory of God.
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