Philippians 4:4 – Verse of the Day 1/17/15
When the Bible says that we should be joyful always, does this mean that we should never be sad or discouraged? Does this mean that we should always smile no matter what happens? Or is this there something deeper that we are supposed to understand?
In fact joy is one of the most important themes of the book of Philippians, and this verse emphasizes something that Paul wrote a few verses earlier. Paul’s point is not that we are sinful whenever we feel sadness or discouragement. We know this because even Jesus experienced those feelings. Paul’s point is that it is not just how we feel but what whether we trust God and what we do about it that matters. Christians should rejoice in God’s good gifts, and even when bad things happen we should still find joy through trust in God.
As you pray, consider the reasons you have to rejoice in the Lord. Pray that the Lord would help you to trust Him in the midst of difficulty and rejoice in His provision at all times. Thank the Lord for His love and mercy, and especially because He has given you the ability and the reason to respond to His good gifts with joy.
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