Romans 5:8 Verse of the Day 11/12/13
Paul makes a series of emphatic points about salvation in the opening chapters of the book of Romans. All are naturally guilty of sin and worthy of God’s eternal judgment, and yet all who have faith are rightly saved through God’s eternal love. This verse communicates God’s sovereignty in salvation, one of the chief themes in the book as a whole. Salvation is an act of God, carried out when we were still sinners, and we did not contribute to our salvation. Because salvation belongs to God and not to us, we can rest assured in a love that is constant and unchanging.
What kind of God would undertake the sacrifice of Jesus in order to redeem a people who willfully rejected him? As you consider the love of God expressed through Jesus for you, ask the Lord to give you confidence in your salvation. As you rest in the salvation that is a gift that cannot be lost, worship the Lord for what He has done for you.
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