Try to imagine the most difficult job or task that you can. If you were paid for that job, how much money do you think you would deserve? Now imagine that you received that payment without even doing the work. …
Are you the kind of person who focuses on good things or bad things? Do you tend to see the glass half-empty or half-full? The Bible teaches us to be realistic in the way that we view the world, but …
Can you remember a time when you lost something that was very important to you? It is even harder when we lose a person who is very close to us. When somebody we love dies, it really does feel like …
Can you remember a time that you were really confused? Maybe something happened that was completely different from what you expected and so it was very difficult to understand what was going on. The disciples were completely confused when Jesus …
If you have ever held a newborn baby you know that children are an incredible blessing. It is an amazing thing to hold a new life in your arms. Children are an important part of God’s plan, and the Bible …
Can you imagine what it would feel like to lose one of your senses? For those who are born blind or deaf it may be even more difficult to imagine what it would be like to see or hear for …