Contrary to popular belief, the Bible does forbid us from judging. What it does do is teach us that there are certain ways we should judge and certain ways we should not judge. In other words, the Bible teaches how …
Having clear goals is one of the keys to success. It’s hard to hit the target if you don’t know what you are aiming for, as they say. In a similar way, it is impossible to understand the nature of …
This verse is closely related to one of the central ideas of John’s Gospel: we love Him because he first loved us. In other words, we can’t do anything to earn God’s love. Rather, because God loves us we are …
While the riches of Christian belief lie beyond the understanding of any person in this life, the basics of Christian belief are very simple. The Bible tells us very clearly how we are to respond to what Jesus has done …
The logic of the Bible is upside down in many ways. Jesus is our messiah because he died on the cross. The last are first. The first are last. We find satisfaction and meaning in life by dying to ourselves …
Although there are some plants and animals that can survive in the desert, they are usually few and always far between. The hot temperatures, but especially the lack of water make it very difficult to live. As a result, it …