Life in this world is full of ups and downs, full of good things, but also full of hard things and disappointment. Can you think of something difficult that you have experienced recently in your own life? These difficulties can …
The Bible teaches us that God is a spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth. (WSC, Q.4) How could we ever please such a God? Naturally there is no way that we …
We live in a world where seeing is everything. Seeing is believing, some people say. The funny thing is, the person in the Bible who most famously had to “see it to believe it” we remember as “Doubting Thomas.” Why …
When are lives are going smoothly – when everything seems to be going right – it is easy to have an upbeat attitude about things. But what about when life is difficult? How are we supposed to feel then? This …
What is the best present you ever received? What made it so special? One of the things that makes us appreciate presents and gifts so much is that we don’t do anything to deserve them and we don’t have to …
We live in a world where everything is disposable. We eat on paper plates, our clothes are always wearing out, and even the coolest phones have to be replaced all the time because a cooler one comes out every few …